Unlocking New Pricing Potential

Companies that are premium players in their market often face a unique challenge: the perception that they’ve reached the peak of pricing for their offers. However, this mindset can be a significant barrier to further growth and profitability. 

Even for best-in-class organizations, there may be untapped potential in pricing strategies.


Understanding Your True Value Proposition

The journey to more successful and profitable pricing begins with a deep, realistic understanding of your company’s value proposition. Many top-tier businesses fall into the trap of believing they’re already positioned as the premium player in their market. While this may be true to an extent, it can create a mental barrier that suggests there’s no room for further price increases.

This perception often overlooks the unique aspects of what a top-tier company offers. Best-in-class and better-than-average firms typically deliver superior creativity, quality, and excellence, plus offer a unique outlook in their industry compared to competitors. The key is to identify and articulate these differentiators clearly.


Identifying Hidden Value

A critical step in optimizing pricing is recognizing the elements of your service that set you apart from the competition. These could be aspects of your work that your rivals either cannot replicate or do not perform as well. Often, these valuable components are provided alongside your core products or services without additional charge.

For instance, your firm might offer:

  1. Unparalleled expertise and strategy in a specific area
  2. Faster turnaround times
  3. More comprehensive customer support
  4. Innovative approaches to problem-solving
  5. Access to proprietary tools or methodologies

By identifying these elements, you can begin to see opportunities where you might be leaving money on the table and begin evaluating their potential.


Breaking Free from Market Averages

Many businesses, even high-performing ones, fall into the habit of pricing based on industry norms or market averages. Sellers often develop mental benchmarks for what constitutes a good price for a particular project or client type. While these rules of thumb can be useful starting points, they can also severely limit the potential for premium pricing down the road.

Companies adhering too closely to market averages can significantly undersell their true value. Your superior offerings justify a premium that goes beyond the standard pricing models in your industry, and it’s important not to sell your company short when considering what sets you apart from competitors.


Changing the Narrative

To capitalize on your full pricing potential, it’s crucial to shift the narrative around your services. 

This involves:

  1. Clearly articulating your unique value proposition
  2. Educating clients on the superior outcomes you deliver
  3. Demonstrating the long-term benefits of choosing a premium provider
  4. Highlighting the specific ways your services outperform your competitors

By framing your pricing in terms of the value you provide rather than industry norms, you can justify higher rates and attract clients who prioritize quality over cost.


Implementing a New Pricing Strategy

Once you’ve identified areas where you’re potentially undervaluing your services, the next step is to implement a revised pricing strategy. This doesn’t necessarily mean an across-the-board price increase. 

Instead, consider:

  1. Unbundling certain premium services to charge for them separately
  2. Creating new service packages that highlight your unique capabilities
  3. Introducing value-based pricing for projects where your impact can be clearly measured

The key is to align your pricing with the true value you deliver, rather than defaulting to industry standards or historical precedents. Focus on your unique value proposition and make sure it stands out when presenting higher pricing to clients. 



Even for top-tier businesses, there’s often untapped potential in pricing strategies. By thoroughly understanding your unique value proposition, identifying hidden value in your offerings, and breaking free from the constraints of market averages, you can unlock new levels of profitability. The key is to change the narrative around your services, focusing on the superior outcomes and value you deliver. With a thoughtful approach to pricing, best-in-class companies can continue to grow and thrive in competitive markets.

To discover more about optimizing your pricing to match your agency’s unique value proposition, tune in to this episode of The Progressive Agency Podcast to hear more from our guest, Casey Brown.


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