Meshing Digital Marketing and Deep Strategy Work


The Disconnect Between Specialized Marketing and Business Results

With how quickly digital marketing moves and changes, it’s easy for specialists to get caught up in the intricacies of their Read more

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EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA in Agency M&As


When preparing to sell your agency, understanding financial metrics is crucial. One key metric that often comes into play during M&As is EBITDA. However, as negotiations progress, you may encounter Read more

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A Comprehensive Look at an Uncommon Exit Strategy — ESOPs


Employee Stock Ownership Plans, commonly known as ESOPs, are a unique exit strategy for business owners that often sound appealing at first glance. However, as with any complex financial Read more

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Stop Saying Yes to Bad Revenue


To Niche, or Not to Niche?

One of the most challenging decisions founders face is whether to specialize or remain a generalist. While generalizing may seem like the clearest path Read more

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The 3 Barriers to Getting Out of Founder-led Sales


Moving Beyond Founder-led Sales

Agency owners often dream of growing their businesses to a point where they can step back from day-to-day operations. However, the reality is that many of us Read more

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Shred Your Mortgage and Save Thousands


Leveraging Money Velocity

Many business owners underestimate the power of money velocity. They keep their hard-earned cash sitting idle in checking or savings accounts, missing out on opportunities to grow their Read more

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Why Business Owners Should Put Their Money to Work


Don’t Leave Your Money Idle

As a business owner, you’ve worked hard to earn your money, but are you making the most of it? Many entrepreneurs find themselves with idle Read more

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Explore New Verticals with a Strategic Partner


Testing New Waters

For agencies looking to expand their service offerings and capabilities, the typical path involves taking on substantial risk. Want to break into a new vertical like public relations, … Read more

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What Agency Owners Should Look for in Strategic Partnerships


An Adaptive Agency is a Good Agency

Agencies are expected to do more and be more for their clients more than ever. With technology constantly shifting and expanding, there’s a lot Read more

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Using Deferred Revenue to Balance Your Books


Delaying Revenue Recording

One of the biggest factors distorting profitability reporting for agencies is improper revenue recognition. Many agencies bill clients upfront for work and record that income immediately upon invoicing Read more

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