Managing agency finances efficiently is a crucial part of running the business, but it can eat up a lot of time and energy from your team that can better be used on other tasks. Luckily, has emerged as a powerful solution to this challenge, making accounts payable management streamlined and simple.

This platform is easing the pressure on agencies juggling their financial operations, bringing automation and streamlined processes to the forefront. Let’s explore how can revolutionize your agency’s invoice management and financial workflow.


Centralized Invoice Management

One of the standout features of is its ability to centralize invoice management. Each agency gets its own dedicated inbox within the platform. This means that instead of vendors sending invoices directly to the owner or various employees, all bills can be forwarded to a single, organized location.

This centralization offers two significant benefits: 

  1. It declutters the inboxes of key personnel, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. 
  2. It provides the finance team with immediate visibility into incoming bills, enabling them to process them promptly and efficiently.


Customizable Approval Workflows shines in its flexibility in approval processes. It allows agencies to create customized approval hierarchies that align with their organizational structure and preferences.

For instance, instead of every invoice going straight to the owner for approval, you can set up a multi-tier approval system. An initial review might be conducted by an admin or operations manager who’s more familiar with ongoing projects. From there, it could move to account managers or executives for a second look before finally reaching the owner or CFO for final approval.

This ensures that invoices are thoroughly vetted at each level, reducing the chance of errors or unnecessary expenses slipping through. It also distributes the workload more evenly across the organization, preventing bottlenecks in the approval process.


Enhanced Communication

Another powerful feature of is its built-in communication tools. Users with different access levels can easily communicate about specific invoices directly within the platform. For example, if a finance team member has a question about a particular invoice, they can send a message to another employee to get clarity without leaving their interface. 

This eliminates the need for back-and-forth emails or phone calls, speeding up the invoice processing timeline and creating a clear audit trail of all invoice-related discussions.


Duplicate Detection and Fraud Prevention

Often, agencies will encounter duplicate invoices, and it’s up to someone to catch these mistakes manually. As finance teams become more familiar with their clients’ accounts, they typically develop an intuition for spotting unusual or potentially fraudulent invoices.

However, has smart features to protect against common mistakes like this. The system flags any invoices that appear to be duplicates, preventing double payments and saving agencies from potential financial losses.

This feature can be a great safety net for human oversight and creates a robust defense against financial errors and fraud.


Flexible Payment Scheduling

Once an invoice has been approved, offers flexible options for payment scheduling. Agencies can choose to pay immediately or schedule payments based on their preferred terms, such as net 30. This feature allows for better cash flow management, ensuring that outgoing payments align with the agency’s financial strategy.


Key Takeaway

Implementing for invoice management can significantly streamline an agency’s financial operations. By centralizing invoice receipt, customizing approval workflows, enhancing communication, preventing errors, and offering flexible payment options, this platform addresses many of the pain points associated with traditional invoicing processes.

The result is a more efficient, transparent, and secure financial management system that frees up valuable time and resources. Agency owners and finance teams can spend less time on manual invoice processing and more time on strategic financial planning and growth initiatives.

By automating and streamlining invoicing processes, agencies can improve their financial health, enhance their decision-making capabilities, and ultimately, drive greater success in their core business activities.

To discover more about how to streamline and organize your agency’s financial management, tune in to this episode of The Progressive Agency Podcast to hear more from our guest, Sara Snyder.


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