The Tip of the Iceberg

Securing a speaking engagement at a conference, trade show, or other industry event is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not an easy accomplishment, so give yourself a pat on the back — but simply securing the spot on stage won’t guarantee success. 

The key to truly impactful speaking engagements lies in selecting the right topic — one that resonates deeply with your audience and showcases your unique expertise.


The Power of Specificity

Choosing a broad, generalized topic won’t cut it. Consider the current buzz around AI. If you proposed a talk on “The Power of AI,” you’re not going to add anything new to the conversation that millions of other people couldn’t also speak about. Instead, the magic happens when you narrow your focus.

For instance, “How to Use AI for PR Agency Operations” immediately sets you apart. It’s specific, industry-focused, and speaks directly to a particular audience. Alternatively, a topic like “AI as a Career Path for Young Women” addresses a cultural issue while maintaining a narrow focus. These niche topics not only increase your chances of being selected to speak but also position you as a true expert in your field.


Understanding Your Audience

Choosing the right topic also isn’t just about what you want to say — it’s about what your audience needs to hear. Put yourself in their shoes. If you’re speaking at a sales conference, think about the challenges and aspirations of the salespeople in attendance. What insights can you offer that will genuinely improve their professional lives?

This audience-centric approach requires research and empathy. Study the conference, its themes, and its attendees. What are the current trends in their industry? What problems are they grappling with? Your topic should address these concerns, offering fresh perspectives or actionable solutions.


Bringing a Unique Perspective

After you’ve closed in on the topic and specified it to the audience niche, don’t forget to infuse your personal touch. Your unique experiences, insights, and methodologies are what make your presentation valuable. Perhaps you’ve developed an innovative approach to a common industry problem, or maybe you’ve observed a trend that others haven’t yet recognized. 

These unique angles are what will make your talk memorable and impactful.

Consider collaborating with others to bring diverse viewpoints to your presentation. A well-rounded panel can offer multiple perspectives on a single issue, enriching the conversation and providing more value to your audience.


Crafting Your Topic

Use this checklist as a guide when developing your speaking topic:

  • Identify your areas of expertise: What unique knowledge or experiences can you share?
  • Research your target audience: What are their pain points, aspirations, and current challenges? What is the audience interested in learning about?
  • Narrow your focus: How can you address a specific aspect of a broader issue?
  • Add your unique perspective: What fresh insights can you bring to the table?
  • Test your topic: Run it by colleagues or mentors to gauge its appeal and relevance.

Remember, your goal isn’t just to speak — it’s to make a lasting impact and educate the audience. A carefully chosen topic allows you to do just that, providing value to your audience while establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field.



The success of your speaking engagement doesn’t start on stage — it begins with choosing the right topic. By focusing on specificity, understanding your audience, bringing a unique perspective, and addressing real needs, you can craft a topic that not only gets you selected but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience. 

So before you step into the spotlight, take the time to nail your niche. Your audience — and your career — will thank you for it.

To discover more about how to make the most of a speaking engagement, tune in to this episode of The Progressive Agency Podcast to hear more from our guest, Katy Boos.



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