Profitability can seem like an elusive target for agencies. Many agency owners find themselves constantly juggling numbers, trying to cut costs, and increase revenue. But what if the secret to sustainable profitability isn’t about slashing overhead, but rather about optimizing how you utilize employees and other resources?


The 50% Delivery Margin

At the heart of this approach is a simple yet powerful concept: the 50% delivery margin. This rule suggests that for every dollar of revenue your agency earns from clients (after removing pass-through costs), you should aim to have at least 50 cents left over after delivering on your promises to the client.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • 50% or more for delivery margin
  • 20-30% for overhead expenses (sales, marketing, administration, facilities)
  • 20% or more left as profit

This model serves as a clear framework for understanding your agency’s financial health, knowing where your money is really going, and identifying areas for improvement. 


The Real Problem: Inefficient Revenue Generation

When agencies struggle with profitability, the knee-jerk reaction is often to cut costs. This leads to attempts to find cheaper software alternatives, reduce office space, or make other small cuts to overhead.

However, this approach often misses the mark. In reality, most agencies’ overhead spending is appropriate for their business size. The real issue lies in inefficient revenue generation.

Many agencies lack a clear understanding of their gross margin. When looking at their profit and loss statement, they see income, a bunch of operating expenses, and a net profit line. This oversimplified view can lead to misguided attempts to improve profitability by focusing solely on reducing operating expenses.

The truth is, becoming more efficient at earning revenue is often the key to unlocking profitability. This means taking a hard look at your pricing strategies, project management efficiency, and overall delivery process.



Implementing the 50% Rule in Your Agency

To begin getting an idea of how profitable your agency is, start by analyzing your current financial situation:

  • Calculate Your Delivery Margin: Look at your revenue after pass-through costs and compare it to your direct delivery costs. Are you hitting that 50% mark?
  • Analyze Project Profitability: Break down your projects to understand which ones are most profitable and why.
  • Review Pricing Strategies: Ensure your pricing accurately reflects the value you provide and the resources required to deliver.
  • Optimize Delivery Processes: Look for inefficiencies in your delivery process that could be streamlined to improve margins. Can a less expensive junior employee take on some tasks usually handled by a senior employee to open up utilization?
  • Invest in Efficiency: Consider tools or training that could help your team deliver more efficiently without sacrificing quality.

Remember, the goal isn’t to cut corners or reduce the quality of your work. Instead, it’s about finding ways to deliver exceptional value to your clients while maintaining healthy margins for your agency.



While it’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on cost-cutting measures, the path to true profitability for digital agencies often lies in becoming more efficient at earning revenue. By aiming for a 50% delivery margin and optimizing your revenue generation processes, you can create a more sustainable, scalable, and profitable agency.

This approach requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to dig deep into your agency’s operations. But the rewards — a more profitable business, a more engaged team, and the ability to deliver even greater value to your clients — are well worth the effort.

To learn more about implementing frameworks that help improve agency profitability, tune in to this episode of The Progressive Agency Podcast to hear more from our guest, Marcel Petitpas.



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