Sue Hawkes is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, Certified EOS Implementer, Certified Business Coach, WPO Chapter Chair, award-winning, and globally recognized seminar leader, and entrepreneur. As the CEO and founder of YESS (Your Extraordinary Success Strategies), Sue understands the eccentric, visionary nature of business owners and she helps them get the most out of their businesses by focusing on three things: vision, traction, and health. Vision means getting all of an organization’s leaders in alignment with where the business stands and where it is headed. Traction means getting the same leadership team to become more disciplined and accountable. And healthy means taking the fragmented collection of individual leaders and turning them into a cohesive unit.

Free to be a Visionary

In working with a certified EOS implementer, it takes approximately 10-12 sessions over the course of two years for an organization to start experiencing the results. Sue and her clients work through twenty different disciplines that cover every part of the leadership spectrum. The ultimate goal is to get an organization functioning such that the visionaries are freed up to do their greatest work. It works because the integrators and other leadership team members have the tools to keep the business operating without the visionary present in the day-to-day.

The Visionary-Integrator Relationship

The relationship between an integrator and a visionary is critical because when a business leader plays the role of both, he or she will suffer every day. Visionaries influence the growth and direction of the business while integrators are masters of operations. But, many entrepreneurs start as both. That is why professional development makes such an impact as the business evolves. As a practitioner, you didn’t get into dentistry to run a business, you got into dentistry to help people. However, you need to know how to do both, and creating balance in your practice by grounding your leadership team is a great way to accomplish that.

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