So I had some advice from Tax Coaches in the past that they will keep a
journal for me I get them the receipts with a little something scribbled on the back.
They staple that to a piece of paper or put it into a digital form and they they
basically justify the expense and keep it in a journal for me what would you
suggest is that overboard or is that appropriate.
But that is always important to be able to document what you did.
But like today with calendars electronic calendars and you know on our phone and
so on like that you know you could pretty much tip we go back and say What did
you do on such and such a date. Who did you have lunch with. So if you if you
keep it let’s just say all those meals and entertainment where you’re interacting with
you know potential clients on one credit card and you only use that for business
purposes and you have a calendar that’s going to match up to that. That’s fine when
it comes to cash obviously you want to make sure you have those actual receipts.
But it really comes down to what is your personal preference.
But the more documentation the better.
You know it’s funny that you said that I’m glad you brought that up because I’ve
had tax professionals in the past say that the credit card statements were not
sufficient for proof that it was a business expense. Even if you’re only using a
business credit card so what what’s your what’s your view on that you think that it
Yes. Because now you’re matching it up with your personal calendar. OK.
So you had this charge on such untrusted data you know 12:00 and you were in
your county you have you know Mr. Jones who you were looking to do business
with in your county. So they match up OK.
Got it. Got it. So is there any other really cool strategies you can think of off the
top of your head that that most dentists are doing.
We talked about so front on management company is another one where you can
write off all sorts of you know other benefits inside a management company when
it’s out the correct way.
How are your kids out of streaming what that management strategy.
So you know if you had a different entity say had an S Corp and then you wanted
upstream income to a C Corp to offset some of the expenses and have two
different deadlines for tax filing. Is that is that legit.
Well if you’re doing it for business purposes it’s legit up streaming. You know
typically when we when we’re dealing with C corporations or management
companies we’re doing them also because we want to be able to write off some of
those expenses that are deductible and see co-ops that are not deductible and you
have to be careful when you’re upstream because there may be certain benefits that
are available inside the C corporation that you may need to be made available to
your staff and inside your other company.
So we typically try and do it in a way so we don’t get involved in having to cover
other employees for things that maybe we don’t want to cover them for. So you just
have to be careful when you’re upstream.
Gotcha. All right. So can you tell us about your upcoming book where you’re
actually speaking directly to dentists. What’s that going to be all about that.
Well that’s going to be the twelve most expensive tax mistakes that cost dental
owners thousands.
That’s probably going to be completed in about four more weeks.
And you know I’m offering you a read is a copy of your listeners I’m sorry a copy
of my most recent book The 10 most expensive tax mistakes that cost business
owners thousands. The newest book is going to deal more with those things that
are deal more directly with dentals.
That’s cool. So can you give us the link or the resource to do that free copy sure it’s
going to be
That’s perfect. I will I will do so. That’s great. So you know I do have to say guys
here’s here’s a personal anecdote from me. Here’s a personal bit of advice for me
depending on how comfortable your CPA is with advanced tech strategies. Many
CPA that I’ve dealt with and I’ve dealt with many between my own that I’ve that
I’ve employed and having to deal with extracting numbers from the CPA’s of our
clients. So I’ve probably dealt with at this point hundreds of CPA’s in the past.
Many of them are extremely conservative. Many of them are so overloaded and
busy that they don’t take the time to either share advanced strategies with their
clients or are too nervous about any kind of advanced tax strategies because
they don’t want to deal with an audit if it happens to happen. Right. So there is a
fair amount in the tax code that never even gets looked at and advised upon
especially to dentists for whatever reason.
So I think it’s always a great idea to get an extra set of eyes on the the the taxes that
you’re paying and making sure that you’re taking full advantage of the tax code.
There’s nothing unpatriotic about not paying more in taxes. Right. If you pay more
in taxes you’re not being a better citizen of the United States. The tax code is there
for a reason. It’s not illegal to use it to its full extent. And that’s just a bit of my rant
there. I really believe that the tax code is there for a reason and if you’re if you’re
using it legally then more power to you.
That’s definite. I mean if you look at Warren Buffett Bill Gates the president they
all they all do tax planning.
Right. Warren Buffett has somebody that
they’re paid to decrease the amount of taxes that he’s paid you know so it’s very
prudent to be an intelligent business owner. You really have to make sure that
you’re you’re researching all available avenues for decreasing your tax liability.
That’s my personal opinion.
Right. And you want your account to be proactive not just reactive not looking in
the rearview mirror. You know be proactive. Tell me what I can do.
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