Craig Cody chats with

Discover Your Talent - Do What Your Love

Craig Cody chats with         Craig Cody chats with        
Discover Your Talent - Do What Your Love           Discover Your Talent - Do What Your Love          
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    This interview is Craig’s appearance on Discover Your Talent – Do What Your Love, a podcast hosted by Don Hutcheson who has experienced and studied the proven career-building strategies that people around the world have used for literally decades to create lives of success, satisfaction, and freedom. Monday through Thursday he interviews individuals from every career category and profession of every age and background. They share their real-world experiences and insights—what worked, what didn’t, and why—and any advice they might offer to help you jumpstart your life and career to the next level.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Craig’s background in the NYPD, why he left the department to become a CPA, and why he started his own firm
    • Head trash: the things people tell themselves that keep them from living up to their full potential
    • Why it’s so important to treat your team members the right way (and why you shouldn’t call them employees)
    • How to get started on making your life the life you want if you’re unhappy with the way it is right now
    • Recommended reading: “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

    How best to connect with Craig:


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