Craig Cody chats with

Integrate & Ignite

Craig Cody chats with         Craig Cody chats with        
Integrate & Ignite           Integrate & Ignite          
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    This interview is Craig’s appearance on Integrate & Ignite, a podcast hosted by Lori Jones that explores the nature of what it means to be an entrepreneur. Every episode is crafted to make people think, to spark some “aha!” moments, and to illustrate just how important a truly integrated business and marketing strategy – and a solid, inspired brand presence – is to success and longevity.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Craig’s journey from NYC police officer to CPA
    • Craig’s books “Secrets of a Tax Free Life” and “10 Most Expensive Tax Mistakes That Cost Business Owners Thousands”
    • How Craig helps his clients keep more of what they make through proactive tax planning
    • Why open communication with your CPA is so crucial
    • The kinds of expenses that Craig helps his clients mitigate
    • Why leaders must make decisions and treat others the way they’d like to be treated
    • Why many businesses have the wrong entity (LLC, S-Corp, etc.)
    • Craig Cody and Company’s great culture
    • Craig’s strategy of being a guest on a lot of podcasts that has done wonders for his marketing
    • Craig’s upcoming podcast that he will be hosting
    • The revenue and stress goals that Craig Cody and Company uses as barometers for success

    How best to connect with Craig:


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