Craig Cody chats with

Unstoppable Success Radio

Craig Cody chats with         Craig Cody chats with        
Unstoppable Success Radio           Unstoppable Success Radio          
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    This interview is Craig’s appearance on Unstoppable Success Radio, a podcast hosted by Kelly Roach, a Former NFL Cheerleader and Fortune 500 Executive turned Entrepreneur, Mentor, and Business Growth Coach. Unstoppable Success Radio is all about helping you achieve your goals faster, smarter, and with greater ease.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Some common tax mistakes that you’ve been making (like choosing the wrong entity for your business) and how to uncover them so that you save money that you don’t need to be spending
    • Craig’s step by step recording and documenting plan to prevent you from missing out on tax deductions that you can and should be taking advantage of
    • Craig’s tips for how to keep your hard-earned income

    How best to connect with Craig:


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